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Distribution map of the species in the Selva Maya

The Scarlet Macaw has the most extended geographical distribution of all macaw species. Originally ranging from the south of Mexico in Oaxaca, through Mesoamerica and the north of South America to the east of the Andes,  southwards until Bolivia and the south of Brazil. In pre-Colombian times, the Scarlet Macaws were bread for sale in the north of Mexico; bones and art visualizing Scarlet Macaws were found in the ruins of a village named Anasazi, in the south of New Mexico and Arizona, U.S.A. Their indigenous descendants still venerate their red feathers to adorn their ceremonial head-decoration and traditional art.

Characteristics of the Scarlet Macaw

Scientific Name: -Ara macao cyanoptera​-

The Scarlet Macaw is an oviparous and monogamous species with priority conservation status due to its high vulnerability in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in the department of Petén, found to be a breeding and nesting site of exceeding importance for their conservation.

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Plumage Color

The main colour of the feather dress is red, while the wings shine in blue, yellow and green in varying proportions.

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The Macaws Beak

The beak of the Scarlet Macaw is strong and large, the inner extremities have a dark tone that can become black.

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Macaws may reach sexual maturity between 3 and 4 years of age. The female can have up to 4 eggs, which must remain in permanent incubation either by the female or male.

Photos by Ottoniel Cojulum Cisneros

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